Monday, January 16, 2006

The Amazing Race

My graduate applications are almost finished (yeah!) but not yet, so it is consuming a lot of my time, but there is one thing that did come before the applications: The Amazing Race. It is my favorite t.v. show and I think I have seen almost all of the episodes with my sister. We both want to be on the show. Actually, we talk about being on the show all the time. In fact, we are pretty sure that we are a perfect match for their show, because we argue all the time. We are opposites, so we are pretty interesting to watch. Earlier this month she was online and discovered that CBS is accepting applications. So instead of just talking about being on the show, we put our words into action. We made a three-minute video and filled out the application. I don't know if they will contact us, especially because the odds are against us, but I really hope so!

When I was talking with my sister I came to this conclusion: I would rather make it on the Amazing Race then get into graduate school. Let me tell you why. If I don't get into graduate school then I can always reapply or find another university. Heck, I could even take night classes. But if I don't get into The Amazing Race then I can never reapply with my sister again. It's just frustrating because there is only so much you can say in three minutes to convince someone that you fit the part. I will just have to wait and see if I get a call and if I do get a call for an interview then I will definitely be writing about it! In the meantime, for fun, here is the application picture of my sister and I.


Modigliani said...

OH! That is SOOOO cool! :)
I've always wanted to apply too.

Good for you for actually doing the app. I hope you guys get a call. THat pic is too cute!

Let us know how it goes!

Happy Villain said...

I've never heard of the show and don't know what it's about, but if it's something you really want to do, I hope you win! How cool would that be, to watch you on TV! :) Good luck!

Travelin' Tracy said...

Momo- It is too late to apply for this show, but it would be something fun to you have a new partner to go with, you could be "dating bloggers." I hope we get called too! If I find out anything I will TOTALLY post about it!

HV- If I get on the show, then I would definitely be advertising about it. I will make sure everyone I know is watching!