Monday, January 08, 2007

A Simple Update

I know I have been updating very sporadically, but that's partly because I haven't known what to write about. I mean, I have been busy and I guess I can post about that, but I can't seem of a creative way to get that out. I'm being reclusive about my personal life. I guess I just want to post about my trips, but it looks like the trips might be limited for a little while. I got a speeding ticket, but unfortunately it is consider wreckless driving in my state. Another unfortunate fact is that it is in a county that is really I have to hire a lawyer and I'm looking at spending $1000 or more in lawyers fees. It is a little more then I was expecting, but what can I do? I don't want a criminal record and this can help keep my insurance down. It just sucks.

I had two trips planned for the upcoming months, one to Austin, Texas to visit family and another trip to Southern California to visit friends. Now I'm not even sure if I will be able to make those trips. Actually, to be truthful, I have enough money in my savings account, but I just don't know if it is wise to use my savings. The thing is it makes me happy to travel and I would rather go and have a little less in the bank, but my mother thinks I should cancel the trips. I don't know what to do. Maybe if I work as many extra shifts as I can at Sportrock and just not go shopping for a really, really long time, then it would be okay. It might even help me to budget and not go out to eat. Of course I still want to play with my friends, but I will just have to be limited. Is is possible that I can still have fun and pay for a speeding ticket? Or should I listen to my mother who always wants me to save? I need some opinions and I need them fast!


Anonymous said...

Keep playing, but you may need to play smarter... as far as canceling your trips??? You know I'm biased when it comes to travel... so I say don't totally cancel your trips yet, but maybe tell your people you'll be visiting that it may not happen. Just a suggestion.

Mridula said...

We Indians are biased toward saving but it is just an Indian thing. Maybe you can cancel only one trip?

Travelin' Tracy said...

Dav- Since we talk all the time now you know I'm atleast trying to be smart about all this...but of course I always want to play too!

Mridula-My mom would fit in well in India then, because she is really good at saving. There is a lot I can learn from her...but at least I have savings to begin with! I bought one ticket and I'm just waiting to see about the other trip. I can only hope that I will be able to earn that extra needed money!

christine said...

I could have written this post! I would go with a compromise, the easy way out. Cancel one trip, and save to take that one next year. But you have to at least go on one of the ones you planned! Lately, I've been keeping an eye out for promotional offers around Asia so it's easy on my pocket. I'm saving for a big trip sometime October (hopefully to Australia). Just keep checking your faovrite budget airline websites for special offers. Happy new year btw! ;)

AMY_BELL - said...

You know what I think...keep playing. Money comes and goes but fun happens now. You have been working in a steady job for almost 3 years and you've saved a lot. I'm sure if you travel and have a good time you won't regret it later. You also have to remember that no matter how much money Mom has saved in the bank it's never enough. It's good to be wise with your money but you also have to realize that it's okay to use it sometimes, otherwise, why are you working so hard for it. Retirement?'ll make money for that. You're young now, take advantage of it. I know I'm not always wise with my money but I would rather be broke with fun stories to tell than rich with nothing to show for it. Anyway, now that this post is a book, that's my advice. Love your favorit sister!

Modigliani said...

Oh... that ticket sounds terrible! Best of luck with a smooth resolution. That is so stressful.

The conundrum is that if you put off buying tickets, the prices will only go up. So, to save on the trips you've got to buy soon, right?

Tough call. I might end up sacrificing ONE of the trips, but not both! And being a little more frugal in the meantime can help you feel better about it.