Friday, August 31, 2007

Computer Failure

Maybe you have been wondering where I disappeared to? Well, the hard drive on my computer crashed and now I am without. It truly is sad, because I lost a lot of files. Unfortunately it has also kept me from posting. I was also easily distracted by the fact that my boyfriend returned home after a five week trip to Yosemite! That has certainly kept me occupied. In addition, the school year has officially started for me. I have been setting up my classroom and preparing for a new group of 6th graders. The good thing is that I have computers at school to use, which is where I am writing this post. As you can tell, I'm working really hard right now! So in the next month I will be shopping for a new computer. I have a few posts I want to write, but I want to include the pictures as well. I hiked on the Appalachian trail with my friend Emily and I have to write about the new addition to my family, my kitten! I adopted her about a month ago and she is so cute. Until then, have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!


Anonymous said...

Go Mac! You'll never go back! Glad to see you're posting again!

The Case Family said...

There you are! Was wondering what the diagnosis was on your computer. Sorry to hear you need a new one. We just got back from our trip. We had a great time. We spent 3 days in Boston and loved every second. We plan to go every year now. Talk to you later.
