Friday, August 05, 2005

It has been raining here for at least three days now and it is supposed to stay like this all weekend. I haven't seen the sun in over a week and it is cold. I feel like I am suffering through another winter season. I have been told that it is actually a cold summer. I should have known that I would pick the cold summer to go to Alaska. I only have about 10 days left and I'm actually looking forward to the sunshine of home. I think I will lay out in my backyard in my new bathsuit, that hasn't been used yet this summer and get a sun burn. I think a little sun might do me good. You know how the sunlight gives us something our body needs (I forget what it is calle)? Well, I think I'm deficient.

And since it has been rainy and storming, I can't go out on a whale watching tour. I even heard there were 10 foot waves out in the fjord. That is crazy. Maybe that is when the surfer's get a chance to go out. But the water is so choppy that the small boat tours are canceled so I can't believe a person would be crazy enough to get into the water. I was going to hike AB mountain yesterday, but it just wouldn't stop raining. I heard there are blueberries for the picking. Maybe the weather forecast will be wrong and I will get to pick yummy berries this weekend.

It is getting dark here too. Last night was the first night that I really noticed night time. It didn't happen until about 10pm, but still, it actually was dark during the night. Maybe I will be lucky and see the Northern Lights. I guess I just have to look at the bright side of all of this. Dark and cold is the perfect conditions for the Northern Lights, I just have to hope the clouds will go away. I am going to make this the best week possible. There is still one more week, so who knows, maybe the weather will change in my favor!


Modigliani said...

wow! It's going so quick! ...
I hope you get to see the northernlights, go whale watching, and pick blueberries, too.

What's gonna happen with you and Matt when yougo back home?

You haven't mentioned him for awhile. Hmmmm???? Comeon, Tracy...details, please!!! LOL! ;)

Travelin' Tracy said...

I did get to pick blueberries (you'll hear about it in my next blog entry) and the weather has been decent so there is a chance for whale watching too.

What will happen with Matt and I? Well, we have talked about it and neither of us wants to start something long distance, so we will keep in touch. You never know, especially because I am looking to get my masters where he currently lives! I have been trying to keep the dating out of this blog, if you can tell...but I want you to know that kissing a guy with a beard isn't all that bad. In fact, I think Matt is cuter with the facial hair.

Anonymous said...

hi...ummm...ok this is going to sound wierd. so i was googling (and yes i hate that verb) alaska glacier treks--because my husband and i are going there on our honeymoon next week and our main objective is to get out and into the world--and i found this blog. so. i'm also a teacher . my name is also tracy. and these two things seem insignificant--but whatever. synchronicity and such. and i was just wondering...after your experience in did you view the world? especially in regards to teaching? you might not even get this and some other people may be reading it but i don't just really inspires me that there are other people out there actually LIVING life as opposed to just 'being teachers'. thanks.

Travelin' Tracy said...

Tracy, the other teacher- I think I understand what you are saying...seeing the world is very important to me. Traveling rejuvenates me and I feel like I'm always look for a new place. You are lucky, because you get to experience that with your new husband. Traveling wiht someone you love is so much better!

So I have had to think of how it affects my teaching and I must say, it makes it more fun. I love when I return the next year and I get to tell my students where I have been and then we look on a map. Sometimes I have fun stories for them...or I have learned from the challlenges of travel that I think help me.

I don't know how to explain it, but I know Alaska was beautiful and I can't wait until I go back...this next Monday! I hope you enjoy your trip...definitely go on a glacier hike. The glaciers are spectacular! Oh, and thanks for commenting on my blog. Did my comment helP?