Sunday, October 09, 2005

And the Days Go By . . .

I am sorry that I haven't written in ages. I have been so busy. It really is sad when I have to calendar my friends in for a dinner. I hate when I get that busy and I don't have a free night. Lately my life has been that way with graduate school and teaching. Plus I have a lot of church responsibilities that have kept me occupied. I even had to schedule in reading my scriptures or riding my bike (I feel like I have neglected my exercise). But, although I have been busy, I am very happy.

This weekend I'm actually in Boston at Harvard for a church conference. It has been spiritual and adventurous, since I had never been to Boston before. In fact, I have loved it because I'm getting to see all the Revolutionary sites of Boston. Tomorrow I'm going to wander around by myself and take some pictures. I got in late on Thursday night, spent Friday site seeing with the girls I came with and Saturday and Sunday at the conference. So I think Monday needs to be a me time. I need to walk the city at my own pace, reflecting on what I have learned this weekend. It is part of the individual spirit of adventure. So when I return tomorrow night, I will post some pictures as well. So I haven't left my blog for good, I just haven't been available!


Mridula said...

Good to hear that you were happily busy. Waiting to see the photographs.

Modigliani said...

oh, hey, that sounds like a lot of fun! I like to go exploring in new cities and see and learn unique things about those places. It sounds like a good trip, even though you've been crazily busy! :)