Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm ready for a massage. . .

Have you ever had a week that feels like forever, yet it goes by really fast? I have felt that way all week. I haven't slept well and my daily schedule has kept me overwhelmed. I finally caught up with grading for my classes (thank goodness), but my honors classes have a book report due tomorrow. So I will be busy grading this weekend. And now I'm stressing about a paper that I need to write for my graduate class. I just feel overwhelmed and a bit frustrated with life.

Am I doing the right things in my life? It is a time of uncertainty. I was reading a book called, Around the World in 80 Dates, a few months ago. One interesting thing the author mentioned was that anytime she went through a break-up she would move. I have thought about that a lot lately. If I didn't have my job, I think I would move too. But I'm not really like the author because I didn't move. I actually am happy with a few things in my life, especially my job. This has been a great year teaching and I feel like I have improved.

I'm just tired. I feel like I have a routine in my, classes, exercise, and grading. I really shouldn't complain, because I have been able to spend time with friends, but I don't feel balanced. I think it is stress. Like I wrote before, it has been a long week. Maybe I just need a nice weekend break. Maybe I just need to go to bed!


Modigliani said...

I think a massage is just perfect! TEaching and grad school at the same time is tough, all while dealing with regular ol' life! I say pamper yourself for a day! Why not? You deserve it!

BTW, was that a good book? I've never heard of it before, but it sounded kinda cool the way you described it!

Travelin' Tracy said...

I think I am going to schedule an appointment for this week...sometime! Agh, I think I'm busy every night. Crazy.

And yes, "Around the World in 80 Dates" was a great book. I have been thinking about reading it again. She talks about phases of dating and then finding the right person. It is really insightful in many ways. The author's name is Jennifer Cox. Check it out!

Doggie Extraordinaire's Mom said...

A massage is great, but it involves someone else (usually a stranger) squeezing me and that kinda creeps me out. I vote for a night of decadence: chocolate ice cream, pizza, old movies (80s or earlier), comfy clothes, a blanket you're fond of, and a huge bowl of popcorn. Maybe a nice bubble bath before. You don't need anyone else, can go at your own pace, don't have to share, and don't have to think! That's what I do, anyway.

Hope you feel better!

Mridula said...

Here, the semester I am teaching is slowly drawing to an end! I sometimes even dream of taking classes in my sleep. How I am waiting for it to end in three weeks (though that will bring tons of grading). I can empathise, pamper yourself in any way you like. I thought you said "Around the World in 80 Days," now I have read that one!