Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tag from Lib. Extraordinaire

I read this post on Librarian Extraordinaire's blog, . She said that anyone who read it and had not done it so far was supposed to post their own. So here it goes . . .

Seven Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Have a family
2. Speak Spanish fluently
3. Write a book
4. Take a trip around the world
5. Live in a city, preferably outside of the U.S.
6. Climb a multi-pitch rock wall
7. Spend an entire day at the spa

Seven Things I Can Do:
1. Pack well for any trip
2. Rock Climb
3. Make a flower arrangement
4. Be a good friend
5. Make the world's best brownies
6. Sleep through anything
7. Make others laugh

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Run a marathon
2. Swim the breast stroke
3. Go on a diet
4. Stop eating chocolate
5. Stay up all night
6. Eat sushi
7. Be perfect

Seven Things I Say A Lot:
1. Totally!
2. Why me!?!
3. Trust me!
4. This is not what I had planned
5. That's hot
6. Hello!
7. Is it Friday yet?

Seven Things I Find Attractive in a Male:
1. Sense of Humor
2. A Great Arse
3. A Testimony in God
4. Thoughtfulness
5. Good smile
6. Athletic
7. Intelligence

Seven Celebrity Crushes:
1. Heath Ledger
2. Christian Bale
3. Matthew McConaughey
4. Nick Lachey
5. Will Smith
6. Brad Pitt
7. David Beckham

Seven People to Do This Next:
I don't even know that many people that have blogs. So I guess if someone feels motivated and wants to do this, then they should!


Anonymous said...

By now, I am sure all of the blog readers are familiar with Tor , "an anonymous Internet communication system". If you run a Tor node, should you monitor it? Can you ? It brings up an exciting and convoluted ...

I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. Interesting perspevtive that I never thought about. Thanks!

See ya,

It's EASY and FREE to learn make money from your podcast come check out my blog sometime.

Travelin' Tracy said...

Ugh! How do you get rid of those annoying comments? Does anyone know?

Doggie Extraordinaire's Mom said...

Okay, follow these instructions.

Go into the settings of your blog.

Click on "Comments."

About 2/3 of the way down you can click "Yes" for the question "Show word verification for comments?" This will add that little window in the comment area where commenters have to put in the random letters in order for it to publish. It will prevent the spam.

Your list is great! Thanks for doing it and it was really interesting reading. The world's best brownies, eh? Mmmmmm.

Travelin' Tracy said...

Thanks! I just changed it. You know, I think one day I was experiementing with my blog and I must have changed it. You are so helpful. I really need to learn more about technology.

I'm sort of funny that way...I'm not completely behind, but I'm not with it either. I think I have this weird memory for learning half of what I am supposed to remember. It really provides a problem with I can only remember steps 1, 2, 5, and 7 (out of 10). It is crazy!

Mridula said...

Hey, i can swim only in breast stroke properly!

Modigliani said...

hey Tracy -

Also, when you are signed in to blogger, come back to these comments. Look for the little trash can at the end of the spam comments. Click on it, and follow the prompts to "Delete forever" or something like that. Then, they won't be on here anymore. But you have to be logged on to your blog.

and the word verif. is already taking care of any future spam!

HOpe that bit helps, too! :)