Sunday, February 12, 2006

School's Closed

I'm stoked! I just got a phone call that school will be closed tomorrow. I think the roads look fine, but you never know. I'm just glad to have the day off. I'm going to the gym during the day, which will be a nice treat. Plus I wlll be able to get so much done at home tomorrow and I will sleep in! Woo hoo! I love teaching in Virginia. I think teachers get more excited for snow days then the students...but maybe that is just me!


Modigliani said...

Oh, I LOVED snow days SO MUCH as a teacher. It feels just like it does as a kid -- a total surprise free day! It's even better than a holiday.

The sad thing is that I know I'll never get a snowday in California! LOL! ... Maybe we'll have an earthquake day? (as long as it's a very SMALLearthquake, I would be okay with that!) haha! :)

Happy Villain said...

We actually got more "heat days" in Chicago than "snow days." If a classroom was not air conditioned and the temperature went over 90º in a classroom, we were sent home. Those were not fun days. It had to be 100º outside for a few hours to heat a cement room to 90º. And there wasn't much to do at home in that heat, either.

"Snow days" were a blast, but I swear I only experienced two of those in my lifetime. You're a lucky, lucky girl! Don't you feel a little like Calvin (from Calvin & Hobbes), hoping from the first snowflake for it to be a "snow day?" :) Enjoy!

Travelin' Tracy said...

Mo-maybe you could get snow. You see, you don't need much for school to be out in San Diego. Just a light never know, snow happens in So Cal about every twenty years!

HV- I have never had a heat day. That's pretty cool. I have truly enjoyed the day. I even went was fabulous!

David M. Couch said...

How come you don't teach in Alaska...?

Travelin' Tracy said...

I might be fun to teach in Alaska, but I don't know if I could handle the dark in the winter. Besides, I think I'm paid a little better in Virginia. And besides, I would probably get distracted by all the rugged men!