Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Lying Loses Friends

The Chronic Liar is back on my blog. Yesterday the 6th grade counselor approached our team of teachers with a cut-out from a teenage magazine. The article was title something like, "Can your friends believe you?" Of course it was all about lying. Two of the Chronic Liar's friends decided to give it to our counselor. I guess they have gotten to a point where they can't believe her anymore. It looks like she is about to lose two friends. Seriously, some of the lies are so unrealistic! Let me give you an example.

Last week I was teaching my classes about Westward Expansion. I split my students into groups of four to prepare skits on the many settlers. One of the groups were the Mormons. Of course the skits were super cute. At the end of the class we pulled everything together by having a discussion on how the settlers have influenced our lives. I mentioned that the Mormon group effected my life directly because I was Mormon. Well, this prompted questions by the students. I keep my view points of religion out of the class, so I told students that it was not the time for those questions. Luckily the bell rang shortly after that. All my students left the room, except the Chronic Liar. The following conversation ensued.

Chronic Liar: So how are Mormon's baptized?

Me: They are baptized by going completely under water.

Chronic Liar: Oh, really? That's what we do at my church too. I was just baptized last year in my church. It was really crazy.

Me: Really? Why do you say that?

Chronic Liar: Well, you have to go underwater for twelve seconds. Actually, I had to hold my breath and count it out in my head, because if I came back up before twelve seconds then it didn't count. And if you do it wrong then you have to wait two months to try it again.

Me: That is really strange? What church do you go to?

Chronic Liar: Well, um, my dad is Catholic and my mom is Methodist so I go to a church the mixes the two which is kind of like a Lutheran church.

Me: Hmm, that's very interesting.

Seriously, hold your breath for twelve seconds or she couldn't be baptized again for two months! What church would do that? Here's another example.

Me: You are missing two homework assignments and you have a ton of make-up work to do. I think I have to call your mom.

Chronic Liar: My mom knows. You see, she thinks I'm behind in all my classes because my ferret is dying, my best friend just died, and my grandpa is really ill, but that's not it! I can't get the work done in your class, because Mrs. Smith (the language arts teacher) keeps hounding me during resource. All I do is language arts so I don't have time for history.

Me: Right, that is just an excuse. You need to get your work done.

I think the Chronic Liar is going to lose a few more friends. It is just sad, because she is a cute girl, but lying is definitely not cute!

** On a side note, I leave in 15 days for Austria! Woohoo! I think I need the break!


Anonymous said...

Tracy, Thanks for the advice! I'll definately look for that restaurant. Will be posting my travelogue on each day, if you wish to follow. Thanks for your comment. where is your next adventure going to be? And just curious, how did you find my blog?

Anonymous said...

Okay, Tracy... I see where your next adventure is... Austria. I guess when all else fails- read. I enjoy your blog. Is it okay if I link to you?

Modigliani said...

Austria?! Wow! This must be your spring break vacation. You rock - I love that you are always traveling somewhere. (Duh, you ARE travelin' tracy, afterall! ha!)

this poor girl. Isn't it weird that she goes out of her way to find reasons to lie. She actually waited til after class to make all this up. I guess she's trying to connect with you -- but why through lying?! So sad.

Happy Villain said...

My mom's a pathological liar and she does it for attention. We had a small intervention with her and she broke down and admitted that when she "exaggerates" (as she calls it), people pay more attention to her, even when they catch her in lies and yell. It was no surprise, obviously, but we've been unable to cure her, even in therapy. It's cost her all of her friends as well. I just have no idea what to do with liars.