Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Parents Today

The other day I was working with students in an after school activity when I overhead this conversation:

Girl: Did you hear why S****a didn't change during P.E.?

Boy: No. Why?

Girl: She told me that her mom wrote a pass asking that she not dress out for PE because her pants were too tight. Her mom was worried because it took her an hour to get them on, so her mom was afraid that if she took off her pants, that she wouldn't be able to get them back on for the next class.

Okay, so as I'm listening to all this I'm thinking, "who lets their child go to school with pants that tight?" She is in sixth grade and is that worried about showing off her butt. My mom would never let me attempt that when I was twelve. In fact, I was wearing pants that tight right now she would probably tell me how bad it looked. What's wrong with parents these days?



Modigliani said...

Hey, it wasn't chronic lyer who had the note, was it?!

LOL! Just kidding ...

Austria, wow! I'm so envious!
I'm going to Arizona for my spring break, and although it's not Europe, I'm really looking forward to my break, too! Let the countdown begin! :)

Travelin' Tracy said...

Mo- LOL! No, it was not the same girl, but it was funny though! Hey, enjoy Arizona! I would love to go there too. I have heard that it is really inexpensive to sky dive there...maybe you should try it!

Modigliani said...


WoW! You are more adventurous than me. I don't think I would try that. Maybe I would try hang gliding, but I don't know if they do that in AZ. So far I'm looking forward to our plans for hiking and just hanging out and laughing with friends! :)

So, do they skydive in Austria? With all those mountains, they've got to have lots of cool adventurous stuff to do. Maybe you could do your rock climbing!

Happy Villain said...

What kids wear today frightens me. The low rise jeans and thongs showing at the waist are being worn by kids in 4th grade! T-shirts and pants with "Hottie" in rhinestones, being worn by 8-year-olds! I never thought of myself as a fuddy-duddy, but when I look around at the kids these days, I feel like a fuddy-duddy. AND I LIKE THAT I CAN'T ACCEPT THESE THINGS!

Travelin' Tracy said...

Mo- Skydiving is something everyone should try once in their life. For me, that may be twice, three times, or more! But hey, hang gliding and hiking is awesome too!

LE- I can't except them either. I think it is awful! Sometimes I wonder how parents can let their children dress the way they do; the boys in the oversized clothing or the girls in the undersized clothing. It's a mess! But sometimes I think they don't always know about it (I've seen two girls change in the bathroom before school and another two girls putting make-up on! Although, I doubt a fourth grader is buying her own underwear!

Mridula said...

Austria! That sounds great! It took me some time to get back here, but the semester is coming to an end and suddenly my students discover where my office is!