Friday, April 07, 2006

Spring Break!

So I had a great week. Do you ever have a week when you feel really productive? At first I was feeling a little overwhelmed because there was so much to do, but somehow I seemed to get everything done. And it was a breeze! I'm about five minutes from leaving for Austria. This is going to be a great spring break. Though this trip has already started with a little "moment."

I got packed yesterday because I knew I would be working right up to the minute that I left for the airport. I decided to use one of my sister's suitcases, because it was smaller then my old thing. When I was lifting it up the basement stairs I accidentally pulled the handle out (the one you are supposed to use when pulling the suitcase along, apparently not for pulling up stairs). So I quickly changed to one of my parent's suitcases. No worries though, because I pack well and everything was changed out in now time.

I promise to take lots of pictures and if possible get on the internet while I'm there. Otherwise I will be writing in a week! Happy spring break!