Saturday, May 20, 2006

Travel Preparation

I have put a lot of thought into this summer vacation. More then I have ever planned for a trip. I'm not really planning the vacation though, it is more like researching the locations. I have been reading travel guides like crazy. I also bought a new piece of luggage, the Eagle Creek Switchback Max 22". I wasn't intending to buy new luggage, because I already have a good backpack, however this was on sale at REI and I decided it was a good investment for all types of travel.

I also found a few good websites that have provided information on interesting things to do while in New Zealand and Singapore. And the travel channel just put out a show previewing New Zealand. Take Five is about five young adults traveling on a budget. They must live off of $50 a day while traveling. Of course I found this valuable, because on the show about New Zealand they were always looking for ways to save. I got quite a few ideas from them. Here are a few that I want to share with you:

1. It never hurts to ask for a lower rate or a way to save money.

2. Look for student/teacher discounts wherever you go.

3. Learn when to splurge and when to save. Sometimes it is worth spending money to try something you may never do at home. That is what makes the trip special.

4. Ask locals for advice. They usually know what is best to experience in their country and most people are happy to share their insights. Besides, they may lead you off the tourist path!

I think I am pretty good at number 3 and 4, but I know I should ask for discounts more often. Today my STA teacher card came in the mail. I plan to use it a lot this summer. I just hope it will work well for me!

I am also going to try something new...I am going to read literature about the locations that I am traveling to. Since I have an insanely long flight to New Zealand, I think this will be the perfect way to get into the spirit of each destination. Of course I'm still researching, but I plan to update as things progress!


travel plaza said...

Sound advice Tracy. I am sure you will have a lot of fun, no matter what the destination!! Do keep us posted about your summer trip.

Thanks you so much for visiting my blog. Hope you'll visit again..

Modigliani said...

I think you are already a great traveler. You've got a ton of experience, and I'm sure you'll practice all those points you just laid out.

I really like the literature idea, though. Travelling is such an education in itself, and I think reading about the places as you go visit them can only enhance what you will learn!

Travelin' Tracy said...

Jimmy- I like planning too. Sometimes that is the hardest part and sometimes it can be the most fun. I guess it just depends on how excited I am. I am looking forward to a few small camping trips this summer too.

TP-I will definitely continue sharing as I prepare and while I travel. And hopefully I will see more on your blog too.

Momo-Thank you! I am starting to feel like a traveler...a few more trips and I might even say I know what I'm doing! When I pick out the literature I will let you know what it is. I think it will be an added bonus to my experience. I can't wait to get to the book store.

travel plaza said...


Can I add you as a link on my blog? Do let me know...
And oh yeah... I will definitely be posting more on my blog:-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats - travel blog of the day on

Travelin' Tracy said...

Oooh, thanks darren!

Mridula said...

TT, you are going to New Zealand! That is one place I really want to visit only if I could afford it.

Travelin' Tracy said...

Mridula- save your money! You can get to NZ too. It is cheaper for me to get to NZ then India, but I promise one day I will get there too!