Thursday, May 18, 2006

Kindness Counts

For the last week I decided to try being a little nicer. It's not that I am not a nice person, but I thought a dose of charity might be a good way to bring more happiness to my life. It just feels good to do things for others. I have been praying for little opportunities to do something for someone else. I'm sure I already do stuff, but I seem to be noticing it a little more right now. The other day I decided to bring the trash cans back to the house after trashday. I didn't think much of it, but my dad noticed and appreciated it! When I went to walmart buy some necessities I decided to get some stuff for my sister. I was in her bathroom the other day when I noticed her soap was low, she had no tampons (when I could have used one) and she needed more toothpaste. So I bought some for her. She seemed surprised by the gesture but honestly it made me happy just to be nice.

At work I have also found opportunities to be nice. I cleaned the table in the staff room today, just because it needed it. Yesterday during the History department meeting I wanted to pass out some treats to everyone. I didn't make the treats, the department chair did, but she was dishing everything out and I didn't think she needed to pass them out too. I just thought it might be nice to help. Then I helped clean up.

It honestly has just been little things, but it has made me happy. When I get the idea to be nice I decide to follow through. Sometimes I just get lazy or I decide not to share my money. I hope that I will keep this up. It is something that we are always taught to do as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . However you look at it, religiously or not, it is a good way to life and I kind of like it!


Anonymous said...

Lets see a picture of ya Travelin Tracy

Modigliani said...

this is a sweet post. I agree about how it makes you feel good. And the nice thing is that it makes everyone else feel good. So, what better reason to just spread some kindness and happiness! :)

Travelin' Tracy said...

There are pictures of me throughout the blog. Checking reading other posts and you will find me. As for the picture in the top right hand corner...I don't know how to get one there. I'm not that good with computers. haa, it is a little embarrassing really!

Mo-You know it is nice because I'm also noticing when others do nice things for me too. The other day I left a bunch of chocolate on the couch in the living room at home. I knew that my dog would eat it, if it stayed there all day, but I can't leave school either. So I called my brother and he went to my house to get the chocolate. Wasn't that nice. I was really surprised by his kindness and very thankful as well.

Jimmy-That is a nice thing to do for your dog. Even our pets need some extra love, and I bet your dog notices too!