Monday, May 15, 2006

Summer 2006

A year ago I was running away from my life. I needed a vacation, because I was scarred from my past relationship. I had to take some time for me and be in a new situation. I started this blog to record my experiences. I love to travel and I wanted to share those experiences with my friends and family back home. And I have a hidden desire to work in the travel industry. I may not be a writer or a travel photographer, but I can research. Maybe one day I could work for the travel channel or something like the Amazing Race and research all the cool things to do in a new location.

Anyhow, I digress, because I really wanted to mention that a new summer experience is fast approaching. Even though I'm only going for a month, I have decided to make it big. It is another year of changes, but this time it has been good changes in my life. I was accepted into a graduate program, I will be signing another contract with my job, I am moving into a new place in August, and I will be in a bigger single adult congregation for church. Those are all good changes in my life, which I hope will lead me to a better place. I love being a teacher, because I get summer vacation. So of course I want to go somewhere special while I have this break!

In January I started thinking about my summer. Last year I wanted to go to Asia, but I also didn't think I was ready for a trip alone. Plus, I didn't know where to start. After doing a little bit of research I decided that Singapore was a good starting point for a female traveler who has never been to Asia before. I mentioned to my family that I was interested in making a trip there and of course my parents were worried. Every where I want to go is dangerous to them. They didn't think it was a good idea for me to go on my own. I thought about what they had to say so I starting looking at other locations as well.

I rifled through my travel magazines for deals during the summer. I found a good price for kayaking in Croatia. That looked like a lot of fun, but I have taken a lot of trips to Europe so I wanted to hit another continent. Greece was another option, because I recently watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. In the movie one of the girls visits her grandparents in Greece. I love the blue water and white tiered houses along the coastline. Yet it is also in Europe. I guess I just figure that I'm going to teach abroad sometime in my life and I always imagine that happening in Europe so I know I will get there one day. Last year I was also interested in New Zealand, but the tickets were a little expensive. I didn't want to pay $1200 for a plane ticket. It just didn't feel right at the time. Since I have been to Alaska, I realize I enjoy the outdoors more then I ever knew, so New Zealand has once again become a possibility. Yet I couldn't stop thinking about Asia. I want to go to Asia.

I have a really good friend, Torey, who also wanted to take a trip this summer. He just wanted to leave the country and he has the ability (aka money) to make the trip so I asked if he would travel with me. I knew this would make my parents happy. I started to research Asia a lot more. He is a very adventurous kind of guy and I was worried because I kept looking at cities. He is so nice that I knew he would go wherever I wanted to go, even if he wasn't as interested. So I just couldn't decide what to do.

THEN I started looking at around-the-world tickets. What if I could hit many different spots? Maybe there was a way that I could go to all the locations that I was interested in, within reason of course. I only have so much money so I have to be mindful of that. I found a good website, Air Brokers International, and I started sending them mails with my queries. I also talked with my friend Torey about what he knew would work for him.

After a month of searching and the increasing fuel prices I decided to buy a ticket that suits my fancy. I will be going to New Zealand with my friend, Torey, for a little over two weeks and then I will fly into Singapore for two weeks. I'm so excited. I tried to get an extra week in Germany because I have a connection there, but I have a feeling that I will be spending enough money in a month! I only wish I would have planned for another week in New Zealand.

About a week ago I went to the library to check out a few books on these two locations. There is so much that I want to do. When Torey and I go to New Zealand we are going to rent an RV for about $350 dollars and we will split the costs. We plan to drive around both islands and see as much as possible. Of course, there are a lot of things I want to do as well...such as, scuba dive, caving, paraglide, see penguins, hike, watch a Maori performance, visit the temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and so much more. Hopefully we will meet some locals that we can get to know as well. I will take lots of pictures too. From what I have read, New Zealand is a very diverse country. You can climb glaciers or spend a day at the beach in tropical climates. Since we are going during the it will be a little cold for lounging on the beach, but I don't mind that so much. I can't wait!

Singapore is going to be just as great. Even though it is a city there is still a lot to do. I have started a list of things that I want to do there too...for example, see the zoo, visit outlying islands, get a message, and explore the ethnic quarters among other things. I will be staying at a hostel to save money while I'm there. This is going to be a big trip so I really have to budget my money. I expect that this summer will prepare me for bigger and better adventures. Maybe one day I will just pack up my life and escape into an adventure for a long time, but until then I am looking forward to this summer.

For more tourist information please visit the following websites:
New Zealand Tourism
Singapore Tourism


Happy Villain said...

That is sooooo awesome! Not only am I happy for you, but I'm totally jealous. :)

Hey, um, weren't you going to smuggle me in a suitcase or something? ;)

Travelin' Tracy said...

HV- It is pretty exciting, isn't it? About the smuggling part...don't worry I bought new backpack that has rollers on I should be able to lug you around just fine. So let's see, will you be driving to Virginia or flying?

Jimmy- I think it will be a fantabulous summer! Actually, it might be better if I study your photography skills since I hear that New Zealand has beautiful scenery.

Modigliani said...

WoW! You are SO adventurous! I think it's awesome that you've planned another big travel summer. I can't wait to see your pics of NZ and Singapore!

Pradeep Kuttuva said...

Hi...came across to your blog from mridula... takes time and effort to do an overseas trip..

me too an avid travel fan..and have been wanting to do an overseas trip, as u said is the main hindrant..

anyway..have fun in new zealand and singapore...

will read thru ur other posts also..

Travelin' Tracy said...

Momo- I can't wait. I'm about ready to start a count down. It is good havning this blog though, because not only am I thinking everything through, but I'm writing it down too! I can't wait to post the pictures too. It is a good thing my friend Torey is a computer nerd, because he will help me to develop new tricks!

Maduraiarian- I'm so happy you found my blog. Thanks for commenting. Mridula is an awesome traveler is always the issue, isn't it? But where there is a will there is a way, like working abroad or staying with locals whereever you go. I should write about that sometime. Hpmh, now I have a new idea! I hope to hear from you again!