Friday, July 20, 2007

Road Trip: New Hampshire

Since Boulderin' Boyfriend and I are both teachers we decided to take a road trip this summer before he left for Yosemite. He is a climbing fiend so pretty much every trip revolves around the rocks. I don't mind, because I like being outdoors and I have a lot to learn from him. After throwing out many ideas we decided to drive North so we could also visit his extended family in the process. The trip started with a long ride from home through lots of traffic until we reached his aunt and uncle's house in Long Island. Then we enjoyed a deliciously large meal of pizza. Of course, with Boulderin' Boyfriend's Italian heritage we got to enjoy large meals and their fun accents. If I didn't know better I would have said that his uncle was in the Mafia.

Boulderin' Boyfriend was supposed to go to a baseball game with his sisters (the tickets were purchased before he and I were dating) so I was going to head into the city for some proper shopping. However, drama in the family caused the youngest sister to change her mind five minutes before we were all to leave. So at the last minute I joined Boulderin' Boyfriend, his sister, and her boyfriend. It was the first time that I got to see the Yankee's play. Plus I was in their stadium (did you know they are building a new stadium soon?). The Yankees lost, but our afternoon was a blast. I could just tell it was going to be a fantastic trip.

We departed the next afternoon for New Hampshire to begin our climbing expedition. Although the climbing was truly a highlight to the trip I think some of the other activities were more memorable. We ate well, camped out, and discovered the small town of North Conway. Although I have been home for a week I have also been moving so there were no posts from me. Now that the moving process is almost over I will have plenty of time to share my road trip adventures!


Rowena said...

Hi Tracy! I followed your link through Christine's (Rockin' Blogger) site and have to say how much I enjoyed this first post. Traveling is also one of my first loves (food being the other) and I look forward to more of your adventures. Also, that was a cool link in the previous post on making your own travel map. I'm checking that out right away!

Travelin' Tracy said...

Thanks Rowena. I will have to check out your blog too.