Tuesday, April 08, 2008

7 Things You Did Not Know

My best friend sent me a message that I was tagged...I need to write seven interesting facts about myself. I actually love being tagged, because that just means someone was thinking about me and they want to know something new about me. So thanks, Melissa! Here is my best effort to put together my list of interesting things.

1. I love freckles. When I was little I would get a sprinkling of freckles across my nose and cheeks during the summer. I loved it. I know some people hate their freckles, but I think it is so beautiful. I have one really cute freckel on my toe. I don't know why it is so special to me, but personally I think it makes my foot that much cuter!

2. I have a disease...the TMI disease. I always give Too Much Information. Boulderin' Boyfriend hates that about me, but when something bothers me I always have to talk it out. I have been in fights with him and went over to my parents house later only to spill the concerns, because I need to get it off my chest. It is probably a bad thing.

3. My favorite food are french fries. It sucks really, because I found out a few months ago that I have high cholestrol so I have to be on a diet (the cruise really messed that up!). Why can I not just love apples...

4. In a perfect world I would be able to fulfill all my dream jobs: interior decorator, florist, Travel Channel host, comedian, photographer, and mom. Wouldn't it be fun if I had all the money in the world and I could just keep going to school to learn about all these things?

5. I have to sell my car and I am depressed about it. Of course I don't want to be making car payments while I am working overseas. It could be smart to keep it because then I would have a car when I return, so I will not have to buy a new one...who knows what I will do. I just love my car.

6. I want to be a Native American. Maybe it is because I feel like I understand them a little bit when I teach about them. Seriously I would be beautiful, with nice long dark hair, tan skin with little body hair, and an extremely cool lineage. And then I would have been able to get a scholarship too! :)

7. I love Boulderin' Boyfriend's muscles. The other day I went over to his house and he was lifting is kind of a turn on to watch him! Sometimes I wonder why he likes me...I'm not overweight, but I am not cut either. I'm just glad that he thinks I am beautiful!


The Case Family said...

Those were very funny and informative! I was not aware of your freckle fetish...haha!

Modigliani said...

these were really cute. Loved them all. And yeah, I totally have the TMI disease, too! That is so funny!!!

Munky said...

"7. I love Boulderin' Boyfriend's muscles. The other day I went over to his house and he was lifting is kind of a turn on to watch him!"

I feel violated. Like i'm some sort of eye candy boyfriend. After all, its not easy being stuck in this ridiculously good looking body (said in a Derek Zoolander voice).