Monday, September 12, 2005

Starting Back At School

I don't know if I'm just making myself to busy to write, or that I don't know what to write about, but I can't seem to sit down for more then five minutes next to my computer. Actually, I think the real problem stems from the fact that when I sit down, my new kitten takes over my lap and wants to cuddle. It is exciting because it is the first time I have ever had a kitten, so I just can't seem to refuse.

I have to admit that I have a great bunch of students this year. I was worried that I was going to get the "tough" kids this year, because last year was so good, but I think I will be blessed with two great years. I started off my year a little different. I spent a lot more time explaining procedures and doing ice breakers. I'm trying to use a new teaching style, called History Alive, which I actually really love. I spent a week training with this program last June. Anyhow, I have decided that the people who created this program really know what they are talking about. The ice breakers were exactly what I needed. I started the first three days with an ice breaker to make sure the students learned to work with one another, but I found that it did more then just that. My students started to make friends and they learned each other's names really fast. Plus, they also learned how to spell each other's names. I have had fun using music in the classroom while I taught the procedures and I really feel like I have started a learning environment.

The other day I had a really happy moment. Let me give a little background information. Before the start of the school year we have a 6th grade orientation. It is a quick two hours for the 6th graders and parents to get acquainted with the school. Well one of my students came with her mom. Her mom seemed very negative and talked to me right in front of her daughter about how her daughter, "wouldn't work with the teachers." When I looked at her daughter I saw a girl with a sad face, who didn't smile, but didn't seem like a "problem." So I have been wondering what she would be like in class. For the most part she is really quiet, but from the get go I have made an effort to show that I am glad she is one of my students. The other day I gave my students the job of getting "autographs" of other students or the teacher. During the activity she hesitated to approach me, but she did. After talking and sharing my autograph, she smiled. Now most of you probably think that isn't much, but for a girl that hasn't really even smiled when talking with her friends, I found that to be a big deal. I really hope that I can be a positive influence in the lives of my students. Not only do I want to share the subject, but I want to build self worth in each of my students, which is a big goal for me this year. That simple experience of a smile has really brightened my spirits.

Oh, and on the Alaskan note. Today I went to my first Civil War class. It is a class provided through the county for teachers and we go on field trips of important areas in the county that were involved in the Civil War. Pretty cool, eh? Well, we were hiking down by the Potomac river when one of my fellow teachers mentioned she had to go to the bathroom. Of course, there were no bathrooms around. We all suggested that she go behind a tree but she felt self conscious about it, so she held it! All I could think of was, "gee, in Alaska I practically went anywhere!" Honestly, I have no problem with the outdoor toilet experience, even if I'm surrounded by civilization. I am happy to show a full moon, thank you Alaska!


Modigliani said...

tracy! I loved reading this!!! Your experiences at school sound great -- especially with your shy girl finally smiling. I think that is a big deal. And a really big reward to be on the receiving end of that smile! :)

Sounds like you've got some new love in your life, too. Even if your love has 4 paws and tail and is just a little baby! hehehe... :) What's the kitty's name?

Thanks for your honest comment on my blog. Your words helped out alot. And why couldn't you blog with your students? I've done it with 5th graders. And I've even seen 2nd and 3rd grade teachers integrating blogs. Of course, you wouldn't share your personal blog, but there are many other educational blogs for you to look at. If you're interested, look up Alan November. He's an Ed Tech guy out of Harvard who hosts free blogs for teachers at his website:

He does professional development in the ed tech arena, and he's really AWESOME!!! Just thought I'd share. (He's actually how I learned about blogging in the first place and came to start up my modigli blog! Funny, huh?)

Doggie Extraordinaire's Mom said...

What a great story!

I wish I could be as free about "potty" problems in the wild. Regularly, I go up north to the Upper Peninsula Michigan and hike in the woods to find waterfalls and majestic beaches, but the outhouses... oh no, I'm not going in there! There was one I was so disgusted over, I couldn't even squat anywhere near and ended up having to change my clothes completely! I wish I had your fearlessness. My boyfriend is always telling me to go in the woods, but I can't get that vulnerable. Wow, I really should go to Alaska and let go of my wacky neuroses. :)

thoughts said...

hey . its gng to take me a while to go thru ur entire blog.. but i already liek it :).. as akid i used to love history.. i used to find it one of the most logical subjects !!! Everything thins in History has a reason and falls in the cause - effect category.. no dificult formulae but yup mugging up all teh yrs was a pain :).. infcat one of my favourite teacher's was a social science teacher - she used to make classes seem so much fun.. all the projects used to be so practical and we learnt quite a lot through them !