Sunday, November 13, 2005

Making the Better Me!

"The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach."
- Benjamin E. Mays

When I was a missionary for my church I would set weekly goals to improve myself. Ever since I have been home from the mission, the goals have been kicked to the curb. I think I have a lot of long term goals...things I want to do in my life, but none of the short-term goals that make life rewarding. I'm obviously a religious person and while I was at church about two months ago one of the leaders mentioned setting two spiritual goals. He asked us to give some thought to these goals and to plan out how we would accomplish these goals (so I guess maybe it is a little more then short term). He suggested that if we put some thought into these goals that we would find that we would grow spiritually.

I would like to think that I take council I have been given. So for the last two months I have thought about these spiritual goals. Now I'm sure I've been a bit of a procrastinator, but at least I am thinking about the goals I want to set. I didn't want it to be something that I should already be doing, like reading my scriptures or praying. I wanted it to really have meaning to me. So after putting two months of thought, I figured out what I want to do!

1. Musical talent- Music has always played an important part of my life. I am the type of person who really listens to the words and relates them to life. Many of my memories revolve around songs that I heard during the experience. When I was younger I played the piano. I had to stop taking lessons when I was in high school, because I was playing too many sports in school. But it was okay, because I played well enough that I could teach myself. Unfortunately, I never did and I have lost touch with my musical gift. I always wish I could play the piano when at church to help out, but I'm just not that good anymore. So I have decided that in January (when I'm no longer taking graduate classes) I will start taking lessons again. After I have been taking lessons for a while I want to play a special musical number in church. I think getting myself back into music and different types of songs will enhance my talents. That makes me happy!

2. Family History- Last week I was listening to a lesson about family history. It is so important to know about our family heritage. I feel like I don't know enough about my parents or grandparents. Plus, I know that I can be better about writing in my own journal. So, I have decided to make a video of my close family members. I want them to record important events in their life so they won't be forgotten. My grandpa served in the Korean war and it has been a very personal experience for him. He doesn't talk about this part of his life much, in fact, all I know is that he served in the war. So I'm looking forward to interviewing family over the holidays. In addition, I am going to write in my journal everyday. I have been reading a lot of journals for a research paper that I'm writing and I realized that even the everyday mundane things can tell a person a lot about history. I want to look about at this time in life and see the good days and the bad. I want to get it all written out!

So those are my two goals. I figure that writing about it on my blog will help to reinforce what I want to accomplish because I'm writing it out. Now I just have to keep on top of these goals! I'm really excited to get started. I know I will grow through these goals!


Mridula said...

Lovely post, I think you will enjoy playing music again. May achieving your goals give you a lot of pleasure.

Doggie Extraordinaire's Mom said...

That's fantastic! I love your choices because they're deeply meaningful, highly creative, and spiritually moving for you.

About 4 years ago someone introduced me to genealogy and I spent a good 2 years interviewing my father and researching his family tree. A year after I'd dug as far back as I could, my father was diagnosed with cancer and died. I cannot tell you how important it was to me to have done all that work with him while he was alive, and how much I treasure it now that he's gone. What you're doing is not only beautiful, it's essential to preserve the legacy of your family.

Good luck! Please keep us updated about your progress. And thanks for reminding me about how this kind of family research is forever ongoing and important even after someone is lost to us.

Travelin' Tracy said...

Mridula-Thanks for the support. It is great choosing new goals that I have really thought about, because I know that I will enjoy them! They will make me very happy.

Ms. Librarian-I had my own experience of a family member passing away, unfortunately I didn't get any stories from him before it happened. So now I'm feeling a strong desire to make up for that with those that I know are still here. I have a lot of work ahead of me and a lot of family trips. I need to rekindled those relationships though. I will definitely keep you updated...I'm expecting some amazing stories!