Wednesday, November 09, 2005

R & R

I haven't mentioned this yet, but I'm going on a family trip to celebrate Christmas. Last year as we were all gathered together for the holidays I began thinking about all the money we spent on each other. I realized I could have gone on a nice vacation with the money I had just spent. Now, I'm wanted to buy my family gifts, but I was thinking, "will my dad really use that tool?" Or, "if my sister buys clothes with that giftcard, how many times is she really going to wear them?" I decided that it could be a lot more fun if we took a family vacation instead. Now that we are all grown up, family vacations are few and far between. The last time we got together was at my sister's graduation, and that's only because she went to BYU-Hawaii. Of course we all wanted to go to Hawaii! And it was actually a great trip. We still tell stories about each other on that vacation.

Well, my mom liked the idea and booked us on a cruise last February! Seriously, this thing has been in the works for almost a year. My mom is all about savings. She found a good deal for a cruise in the middle of December. I will have to take a week off of school, but I'm okay with that. Actually, I had to get special permission but it has all worked out! We will be stopping in Belize, Honduras, the Cayman Islands, and Cozumel! I'm so excited. Even though I haven't been in a bathing suit all summer (because of Alaska) I think I will be ready for a winter sunbathing adventure. I'm actually thinking about getting one of those fake know, that you spray on? Last time I tried that was for Hawaii and I broke out with a rash. It wasn't all that great going to Hawaii with bumps all over my legs. So I'm considering it, but also very afraid. I figure if I get a different kind I might be okay. Or maybe I could just be happy with being white.

My sister and I will be scuba diving, which we also haven't done since Hawaii. Then there are rainforests and bargain shopping. I can't wait. I want to roam around the streets of Belize and explore places I have never been before. Not to mention I haven't been on a cruise since I was a freshman in high school. I think it will be fun to have a week were I get to sleep in, go to the gym, or climb the rock wall (they have those now), and just relax. I promise to write all about it and take lots of pictures. That's what this blog is for, right? I even found out the boat has internet! So that trip will be in a month. I think I'm about ready to start a count down. Check back for more details!


Doggie Extraordinaire's Mom said...

Oh, that's so cool! I know you'll have a blast and I can't wait to see the photos. What a brilliant idea about the holiday vacation! Good for you guys! I'm glad you all agreed on a destination, because with my family, it would lead to bitter fights. :) That's why we get gifts, I guess.

Mridula said...

Hey this sounds so exciting, have tons of fun and bring back good stories and pictures. I will be waiting for it.