Thursday, March 09, 2006

Is it time for a post?

I just spent 45 minutes typing a great post and then I clicked on a wrong button and lost the whole thing. I hate that! I'm too tired to write the same thing, so I will try my best...I have been so busy this week, which explains the lack of posts.

Here's what has been happening:
Monday I went to a body sculpting class at the local community center. I think the instructor is kind of boring, because he does the same thing every week. In fact, I think it is a little easy. But it does get me out of the house and exercising on a Monday, so I like it for that reason.

On Tuesday night I went to the rock climbing gym with my friend. He and I are participating in the Climb for Life fundraiser. We were climbing for almost three hours and I loved it! I have missed climbing. It is nice to have a climbing partner again. I'm going to write more about this over the weekend, and I can't wait to climb on Saturday.

Then on Wednesday I stayed up late for my soccer game at 11:35pm. It was my team's turn on the late rotation. I hate those games because I am exhausted then next day at work. The sad part is that I forced myself to stay up late, and the other team didn't even show. They had to forfeit! Nonetheless, I didn't get home until past midnight.

Tonight I tried my very first belly dancing class!! That's right, I'm learning some sexy moves. Although, I didn't feel very sexy while I was learning the moves. In fact, I think I was a little stiff (but the instructor said we'll loosen up with practice). I hope I can get good so I can show my future husband one day. I'm not doing it just for that though. I really wanted to get in touch with my sensual side and I think that dancing is a great way to do that.

Oh, tomorrow I'm going into D.C. to see a few films from the
Banff Film Festival.
Each year they make their world tour. For the past two years I have enjoyed the outdoor/adventure films. I wanted to go all week, but as you can see my schedule didn't permit it.

Saturday I will be climbing all day in Maryland. I honestly can't wait. In fact, I want to write about it. Hopefully I will post this week, unless I'm just too exhausted!