Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cast Away

I just finished watching the movie, Castaway. I had never seen it before, but last week I had an interesting conversation with my coworkers and the movie was mentioned. I am away from home (dogsitting) for the next few days and the house I'm at happened to have the movie. So I watched a little bit last night and a little bit tonight. Usually when I watch a movie I end up learning something that is personally profound. Almost always there is a line that makes a difference to me. Of course this movie was no different.

First I have to explain that I had a bad day yesterday. I was upset with my sister about the dogsitting situation, then I had to sit in traffic just to get to the house, and after that I had to drive back home for a meeting at the rock climbing gym, which was supposed to only be an hour and turned into two hours. It was a long day and I wasn't in the best mood at the end of it all. Usually when I have a bad day I start to think about the break-up with my ex-boyfriend. Then I get lonely and totally down on myself. What is really frustrating is that I want to move past all of this and just be happy. I even tried reading my scriptures to calm my troubled soul. Most days like yesterday, I find myself crying as I pray to my Heavenly Father for comfort.

I'm much better day. I just needed a good sleep! Tonight I watched the rest of the movie and it was really eye opening. In the movie, Tom Hanks plays a man who becomes stranded on a deserted island after a terrible plane crash. The main thing that keeps him going is a picture of his girlfriend who is back in the United States. He hopes to one day return to her. As the movie progresses, he does get home only to find out that she has moved on. She is married and has a child. He meets with her and they talk about their love for one another, but they both understand that they must move on. Once again he is forced to lose her again.

What is amazing to me is that even though his experience on the deserted island was awful and physically demanding he learns a powerful lesson. He just needs to keep breathing and know that the sun will come up the next day. He finds hope in a hopeless situation. He said in the movie, "I had power over nothing. A feeling came over me that I had to stay alive. I had to keep breathing even though I had no reason to live. Then that logic was proofed wrong because the tide changed." With the change in tide he found a way to return home where he finds out the sad news of a lost love. While taking with his friend he said, "I'm so sad I don't have Kelly. I don't know what to do now. Except to keep breathing, 'cause tomorrow the sun will rise and who knows what the tide will bring."

That last line was so powerful to me. I'm not in the same situation as Tom Hanks' character. I have plenty to live for and I do love my life, but in terms of the sorrow of losing a love I feel like I can relate. A new day will come and who knows what the tide will bring me. I also think it was important that he mentioned that he did not have power. In life we have control over many things, but ultimately we cannot see the bigger picture. I may have lost a love, but only God knows what is in store for me and it will only get better if I strive for that! So here I am in life, just breathing and knowing that tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows, maybe my new love will find me while I'm on vacation!


Mridula said...

Tracy, this is a beautiful post. I don't know what more to add. Maybe just that I can relate to what you say.

Travelin' Tracy said...

Thanks mridula. I probably should have written all of this in my journal...I was definitely thinking things through!

travel plaza said...

Great post Tracy. I watched that movie too. Like you said, I think we can learn a lot of things from movies we watch, books we read or just experiences of others around us and mostly from our own experiences. We become stronger individuals with every new experience, good or bad.
I was really moved reading your post.
Good luck with everything.

Travelin' Tracy said...

Jimmy- thanks

TP-I appreciate your comment. I was going to write in my journal last night, but I got on the computer instead and this post was the result. Sometimes it is nice to know that what is written can help others as well.

Modigliani said...

I thought this was sweet. And I'm glad you are hopeful. The last line, especially made me smile! :)

I never saw the movie Castaway (except for one short part where he has a bad tooth and has to knock it out of his mouth on his own! - OUCH!!!! I couldn't watch after that!!!)

It's tough getting over a lost love. But there will be more love in your life, Tracy! You are too sweet, wonderful, and good of a person. Hang in there, and yes - breath!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I love this movie very much too and found your blog when I search for the "who knows what the tide will bring" line. I like your post and the way you see it!