Thursday, June 01, 2006

New Zealand Top List

I met with my friend, Torey this week to make a tentative plan. I don't want to be so organized that I have to rush from place to place, especially in a location like New Zealand. So we decided to make a list of the top things we wanted to do. The most important are listed first. We only have two weeks so we can't do everything...hence the list. Let me know what you think!

1. Paragliding
2. Glow worm caves
3. Visit Rotorua (geothermal wonders and Maori culture)
4. Zorbing - rolling down a hill in an inflatable ball, like a hamster
5. Ice climbing/heli-hiking
6. Find penguins
7. One night in a farmstay/homestay
8. Milford Sound
9. Whale watching
10. Diving
11. Kayak
12. Bungee Jumping
13. Nature's Wonders Naturally-a tour by four-wheeler that gets up close views of fur seals and penguins

Of course we are also going to hike like crazy! I'm not ready to go just yet though. I still have a pre-trip to do list. Here it is:

* book a hotel for the first night
* check out car/health insurance
* email tentative interest with activity companies
* find out what resources are in the RV (such as pots and pans)
* book a hostel in Singapore
* confirm ferry reservation

It is already June and before I know it I will be packing. I'm actually so excited about this trip that I kinda want to start packing now. It is too soon, but maybe I will start tomorrow.


Couch Potato said...

Have you decided yet? Every one of them sounds exciting. Can't you try all of them or are the locations spread so far apart that you can't dash from one to the other?
Do let me know.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're going to have a fun trip! Can't wait to see the pictures!

travel plaza said...

Ooh Tracy, that's sounds like so much fun.All the activities you listed are awesome. You've got me all excited with your plans!!Do keep us posted about everything.

Travelin' Tracy said...

CP- The list we made is actually the final list. We narrowed it down to these activities. NZ is full of many things to do and since we only have two weeks means that we are limited to what we can do. Unfortunately, I'm traveling on a tight budget so I probably won't get to do everything on the list...but at least the top six things!

Dav- I can't wait to take pictures. From what I have seen, NZ looks beautiful!

TP- I will definitely keep you posted. Besides, I need to make a list for Singapore too.