Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer Vacation

The past two summers that I have been writing this blog, I have had wonderful trips to write about. Money has been tight this year, now that I'm paying rent again, so a big exotic trip that is far away is not going to happen. However, the summer will not be wasted. I am planning to make a trip up to New York City with Boulderin' Boyfriend. We will drive up to Maine and enjoy the coast while climbing and camping. That should fill about two weeks of fun, before he leaves me to climb in Yosemite.

I am going to hit a few of the local amusement parks and drive up to Pennsylvania to see Amish country; then I will head over to Tennessee to play at the new Zorbing park, which has come all the way from New Zealand, and I will also visit more family members. Remember that goal I had a year ago to learn more about family history? Well, this is the summer to do it. I'm going to see the grandparents next week and hopefully get some good stories in the process. Plus, there will be many day trips to the beach. So although I am not going far I am still going to play. Plus, Boulderin' Boyfriend and I are looking at a trip to Patagonia in December, so I have to save for that. Thank heaven for summer vacation, my favorite reason to be a teacher!


Happy Villain said...

Awwww, no Alaska this summer?? :( Me sad. Me live vicariously.

BUT, so happy to hear about your other trips! Those sound really awesome and I hope you have a great time.

Oh, and, um...I tagged you for a meme on my blog, which also awarded you the ROCKIN' GIRL BLOGGER AWARD! Woohoo! :D

Travelin' Tracy said...

I know, Alaska would have been fun, but I guess I just wasn't feeling it this year. Don't worry though because I will have plenty of good hiking stories, since my boyfriend and I are heading up to New Hampshire and Maine today. Of course, since we are camping there will be no check back in two weeks!