Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Title. New Adventure

I think it is about time that I give my blog a new title. I actually thought about doing this after my first summer was spent in Alaska. That was a time of transition in my life and a time for moving on. Alaska was a huge departure for me. I would never have expected to take a summer stint in Alaska. At the time I was discovering a passion for outdoor experiences and a huge appreciation for my surroundings. When the opportunity was put in front of me I knew it would be the type of break that I needed in my life, because it represented the most wild part of the United States. It was a place that I could discover something new about myself. A place where I would take on new experiences and adventures. It seemed appropriate to keep the name for this title, because I wanted to continue that sense of adventure and discovery in my life.

I still feel that way, but I am moving overseas to Kosovo. Kosova, as the Albanians call it, is still fairly rustic, and I am excited to experience the old world feel as I explore throughout the country. Although I know I will be tramping around the countryside I don't think it will be like Alaska. The adventures will be new. Therefore, it is about time that I create a new title. So what should it be? I never feel creative when it comes to these sorts of things, so unfortunately my mind is drawing a blank. Hmm...are there any ideas?


Modigliani said...

Well, Alaskan Adventures was alliterative ... can you keep with that theme?

K__________ Kosovo?


Kosovo K__________

How about Cantankerous Kosovian? ha! kidding. But, seriously, what do they call you when you are from Kosovo? a Kosovar? Kosovian? Kosovo-er?

Munky said...

What about some of these?

Kickin it Kosovo

Keepin it real fo sho in Kosovo

Keeping the mud off my shoes in Kosovo

Dodging Land Mines in Kosovo

I Hope the Water isn't Turned Off Again in Kosovo

Machiato Madness in Kosovo

Pimpin it in Prishtina

Part-tay in Prishtina

Pu-Lease Put the Water Back on in Prishtina

Travelin' Tracy said...

Momo- I have been thinking the same thing about being alliterative. Oh and a person from Kosovo is called a Kosovar.

Munky (BBF)- I think you have a knack for the titles, but for some reason I don't think that is exactly what I am going for...haha. I did get a really good laugh and it get me thinking about some new titles!