Monday, May 12, 2008

Things I Love About California

I feel like my trips to California are never long enough. Boulderin' Boyfriend and I have thought about moving there after our time in Kosovo, but I think Northern California would be more to our liking. However, each time I make a trip out to visit friends I get to experience good food, awesome weather, and lots of entertainment. This past time my friend Jenny took me to a film festival, a play, and to listen to a holocaust speaker. In addition I was able to capture a few pics of the other fantastic things we did.

We went to the Seal Beach farmer's market. I was amazed at the variety of fruits and vegetables. We have our own farmers markets in Virginia, but the season dictates what is available. At this time of year there is just not sad.

I love my friend's cute bungalow house. It is literally a square, but the old style gives it a lot of character. I'm sure her husband does not care about character, but would rather have a real kitchen, especially since he is a chef! I know that they only have a little more time there, since they are saving to buy a place, however I will always think it was the perfect little house for a young family. I want one too!

I love that In-n-Out has there own secret menu. There are items not listed, but they come up on the register. On this trip I rode Jenny's bike to the closest In-n-Out to try my first animal-style french fries, which are so much better than animal-style burgers. I also ordered a protein burger just fun (it was a little messy). I can't wait to go back for another order of fries!


Couch Potato said...

Nice write up Tracy. Just love the pictures.

Modigliani said...

Oh, I agree! That house is so adorable. :) I didn't know you were visiting CA. I'm going to read more of your posts now!

Travelin' Tracy said...

couch potato - Well, thanks for the compliment!

Momo- I would love to visit you one day too. You know, sometimes you feel so connected to people that you blog with (especially you, since you are going to marry one of them). Did you know that my boyfriend is blogging now too? It is cool. Unfortunately I didn't take that many pictures of Cali and it was a short, but sweet weekend. Now you will just have to read about my Mother's Day weekend!