Monday, June 02, 2008

Things to do before Kosova

1. Shots (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, typhoid, rabies) - almost finished
2. Buy Plane tickets - done!
3. Sell car
4. Yard Sale
5. Set my mom up as Power of Attorney
6. Change/cancel subscriptions
7. Buy electrical convertors
8. Figure out how to transfer bank account stuff
9. Firgure out about emergency evacuation insurance
10. Organize school supplies (give away, storage, and send to Kosova)
11. Find a shipping company (this one has proved to a real challenge)
12. Pack up remaining furniture and belongings
13. Think about what I will be teaching
14. Move

I'm sure there are a thousand more things that I need to do, but in some ways it doesn't feel like it will be that bad. It is just going to go by super fast. I can't wait. Can anyone help me find a shipping company?


AMY_BELL - said... and our lists! You have to get a rabies shot? Weird! Before you sell it, can I have your little coffee table basket thingy? Also, I want to go through a few things and maybe want some purses and such. Have it after I get back :) Hasta pronto!

Unknown said...

I honestly don't know of a good shipping company. Whats wrong with Fed Ex or UPS? I am going to miss you!

Anonymous said...

Are you so excited that you're crapping your pants? I would be.

Jeff and Stephanie said...

TRACY!!!! I hope you are able to still check your blog and update while you are gone! I wanted to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you are having the time of your life!!!